Art Theory

Types of Modern Art

Several types of modern art exist in today’s world. These include Abstract, Formalistic, Iconography, Minimalism, Post-modern, and Symbolism.Continue readingTypes of Modern Art

Art Theory

Modern Art Forms

Throughout the history of art, there have been many different Modern Art Forms. These forms include traditional forms, such as painting and sculpture, and modern forms.Continue readingModern Art Forms

Art Theory

A Journey Through Various Contemporary Art Forms – Beyond Paintings

Embark on a captivating journey through diverse contemporary art forms beyond paintings. Explore sculpture, photography, digital art, performance, and more.Continue readingA Journey Through Various Contemporary Art Forms – Beyond Paintings

Art and Craft Art Theory

Impressionist Photography Techniques

Whether you’re just learning about Impressionist photography or you’re an experienced photographer, there are always ways to improve your craft.Continue readingImpressionist Photography Techniques

Art Theory

5 Ways to Learn About Art in Japanese

Having a good knowledge of art in Japanese is very important,, but it can also help you understand and appreciate Japanese culture. Here are a few ways you can learn more about art in Japanese.Continue reading5 Ways to Learn About Art in Japanese

Art Theory

The Importance of Cultural Art

Whether it be modern or ancient, cultural art has always been a powerful force in the world. How important it is for us to preserve our cultural art history.Continue readingThe Importance of Cultural Art

Art Theory

Traditional Japanese Art

Traditionally Japanese art is a broad range of art forms. These forms include: yakusha-e, uchiwa fan, shodo, raigozu, dahe hui and shubun.Continue readingTraditional Japanese Art

Art and Craft Art Theory

The Best Rainbow Paintings in the World

Are you interested in the rainbow paintings that are on display? There are a number of factors you should consider before beginning your painting.Continue readingThe Best Rainbow Paintings in the World

Art Theory

Rococo Architecture Examples Throughout History | Exploring the Graceful Beauty

Uncover the beauty of Rococo architecture examples in this comprehensive guide. Explore iconic structures and regional variations across Europe.Continue readingRococo Architecture Examples Throughout History | Exploring the Graceful Beauty